Art Futura
2002 Barcelona October
31 - November 3
Art Futura is an exhibition
and conference about art and technology held annually at the CCCB in Barcelona.
The Contemporary Culture Centre Barcelona (CCCB) is located in the centre
of the city.
HyperSpheres and The
Wave Equation are the names I gave to the two major installations on show.
I chose a mathematical theme in honour of my father, F G Friedlander,
a Cambridge mathematician and fellow of the Royal Society. He died last
year. Waves were an abiding interest for him, as they have become for
me. The name of one of the installations is taken from the title of his
book, 'The Wave Equation on a Curved Space Time'. Extracts from the book
were projected into both the installations. The HyperSpheres were created
last year but I have now added an extra large HyperSphere and the data
projection in 3D. The Wave Equation was created specially for this show.
A third installation
was exhibited suspended 30 metres up in the courtyard outside. This was
on show at night only.
is influenced by science directly through the development of new technology,
but there are other important subtle ways science influences us. At the
core of scientific thinking are principles that are accepted as the basis
of many of our ideas. Although these are not easy to understand, they pervasively
influence our culture and the way we think as individuals. To understand
how we are being influenced, we need to understand these ideas and how they
are changing today. We find ourselves at the beginning of a new century,
the revolutions in thought from the last century now form the shoulders
upon which we must stand in order to see further into the future.
Science grew out of
a rational inquiry into nature. During the 20th century, we came to understand
some of the limits to reason. We overthrew the dogma of the clockwork
universe, accepting relativity and uncertainty as fundamental. Towards
the end of the century, laws of chaos came to be developed. Alongside
these developments, theoretical physicists continued to hunt for a Theory
of Everything. Let us focus on this as it has been my greatest influence.
Theoretical physicist are broadly divided into three camps. The oldest
and most traditional have continued to work with the accepted theories
of physics and seek out new results from within this realm. Relativity
is now considered to be a classical theory together with all earlier physics.
Quantum mechanics is equally fundamental but separate and another foundation
upon which this work is built.
Since about 1980,
there has been a large group of scientists seeking a new theory to combine
relativity with quantum theory. Nobody knows quite what this will look
like, but it is referred to as 'The Theory of Everything'. Most of this
new research is involved with 'String Theory'. There are many different
versions, exploring exotic multi-dimensional geometry, and trying to find
how one dimensional objects, 'strings', would behave in these higher dimensional
spaces. They find that depending on the vibrations of these strings, they
can behave as all the known forces and particles. Thus each different
vibrating pattern of the same 'string' makes it behave as a different
particle. Recently M Theory has sought to provide a more coherent basis
for these various String Theories.
There is
another smaller group of researchers investigating something they call 'Loop
Quantum Gravity'. According to their theory, space and time itself may not
be fundamental, but constructed of something simpler. They propose a network
of spins as the ultimate constituents of existence.
Today there is not
one Theory of Everything, but numerous such theories. This may sound like
confusion amongst the experts, but strangely there is a growing consensus
on certain key issues. One of these, the Holographic Principle looks set
to become one of the most important ideas in this new physics. Debate
is still ongoing about what form this new principle should take and what
it signifies. I will end by quoting the physicist, Lee Smolin:
'The universe cannot
be described from the point of view of an observer who exists somehow
outside of it. Instead there are many partial viewpoints, where observers
may receive information from their pasts. According to the holographic
principle, geometrical quantities such as the areas of surfaces have
their origins in measuring the flow of information to observers inside
the universe.
Thus, it is not
enough to say that the world is a hologram. The world must be a network
of holograms, each of which contains coded within it information about
the relationships between the others. In short, the holographic principle
is the ultimate realization of the notion that the world is a network
of relationships. Those relationships are revealed by this new principle
to involve nothing but information. Any element in this network is nothing
but a partial realization of the relationships between the other elements.
In the end, perhaps, the history of a universe is nothing but the flow
of information.'
